
Wednesday 23 May 2012

New job, new outlook, new post


It's the slackest 'blogger' ever, me. Remember me, I've posted a bunch of stuff sparodically since the start of the year, made sweeping statements about posting daily (who was I trying to fool?) and have been off air for months now.... nah, I don't either : )

I have exciting news - I have a new, fabulous job! What's fabulous about it? Well it isn't the swanky offices, I actually work in a windowless room - it is the people, the attitude, the potential I see there that has me all 'hot and bothered' (metaphorically speaking) about being a worker bee in a small business.

It isn't that we're on the cutting edge of a cure for cancer or a way to save the whales, the forests, and the earth (all things worth saving!), nope, that's not it either - basically we're in the rag trade, albiet with a swimmingly sporty twist.

What I love about it is that the admin skills I've honed over the past 25+ years - an organised mind, eagle eye for detail, passion for orderliness and deadlines being met, the ability to think outside the square, speak my mind, type like the wind, challenge the status quo, offer support, and engage with people in my patented 'charm and disarm' style is WELCOMED and embraced and enjoyed and celebrated!

I love it. I was saying to my boss today how much I'm enjoying the job, how happy I am to be the girl answering the phone who has potential to contribute a truckload to the company's growth and ethos and how good it is to feel that I'm working for people who actually want more than a phone answering drongo.


So I'm a bit happy and I decided to share that happiness here. Perhaps nobody will read it, but that won't diminish my joy at being in a job that motivates me to do much more than 9 - 5.

Nettie x


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Totally and utterly awesome. :-)

    1. Thanks Duncan! Four months in and it is crazy busy lately but I'm loving it!
