
Thursday 3 November 2011


Here's what I found out - blogging is a discipline just like everything else. I'm not sure I have a great deal of discipline in my life at this moment.

For those following along, here's an update: I now have a casual job at Tupperware, a few days a week until Christmas. It will be good to have something required of me. I'm looking forward to that. Eight hours on my feet, not so much, but I've got to do something to bring home the bacon, at least in the short term.

What else? I have enjoyed having time to catch up with people over the past few weeks. Lunch dates and dinner at friends' homes - my favourite way to pass my time socially, over food, with easy conversation.

Today is a quiet day at home, doing laundry, had the roof guy here to see how stuffed the gutters are, may read some more Twilight later - I'm a new convert and am really enjoying the books so far. Having seen one of the movies and read one a half books, I am more sure than ever that the written word is (usually) more powerful than what gets translated to the screen - Meyer's descriptions of the characters are not matched by the actors, good as they are. You just can't top a really vivid description in a book, no matter how cute the actors are. Go authors!!

Be good to yourself, and to each other.


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