
Thursday 15 September 2011


Thursday Sept 15, 2011 - the birth date of 'Founded 1967'.

Starting this blog comes at a time in my life when I'm thinking a lot about who and where I am, the things I want from life and about who I want to share the journey with.

I am six days into the 'great beyond' of leaving my latest job, where I had slipped into what I've just realised was a comfort coma. I wasn't challenged, heck, I wasn't even busy, but I was oh-so-comfy just going through the motions and hoping somehow that the life I want would reveal itself then fall painlessly into my lap. It didn't, it won't, if I want something different... well you know the drill.

So here I am, wondering what comes next. Waking up to the person who faded away a little while I've been slumbering.

I hope blogging helps me sort the fact from the fiction, gives me a place to share some of the lessons life has taught me, and to revive my hope that life can be full and satisfying, sans credit card debt, plastic surgery or on anything else that's 'so hot right now'.

If you want to come along on the journey, that would be lovely, but please be kind as I find my voice.


Annette x

1 comment:

  1. Hello yourself! Looking forward to reading more about you lovely. x
